We believe that the quality
of the premium traffic is the
most important thing for you
and the end users
Choosing The Right Traffic Type

Push notifications
Push Notifications are alerts that are sent to desktop and mobile devices. These messages can come from anything from a piece of software being installed, such as an app, or a system message i.e., a low battery notification.
- 100% visibility and no banner blindness
- Push traffic is about real people
- High CTR the highest CTR push ads traffic had
- Low cost of push traffic
- Loyal content policy

Pop Up
Pop ads based on Targeting plays a very noticeable role in pops advertising, although excluding socio-demographic parameters due to the lack of opportunity to gather it about the audience. In terms of targeting, pop ads can be divided into contextual and network based.
Social Media Traffic

Contextual traffic
Our technology uses such factors as keyword analysis, word frequency, font size, and the overall link structure of the web, in order to determine what a webpage is about and precisely match Google ads to each page.
happy users

Organic Traffic
Organic traffic refers to visitors that land on your website as a result of unpaid search results. They find your website after using a search engine like Google or Bing
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If you wish to increase organic traffic, you need to have a website optimized for certain keywords and, preferably, appear at the top of search results. This is achieved by SEO (search engine optimization) which usually requires money and time.

Teaser Traffic

Banner advertising works by matching publishers who want to monetize their websites with advertisers who want to reach the publishers’ audiences.

A banner ad is a type of display ad (visual online advertisement) that’s placed in a prominent webpage location with the aim of drawing users’ attention. Often to generate clicks.
On ad-supported websites and apps, you may find banner ads:

- Near the top of the page but below the website header
- In the sidebar (particularly the right-hand sidebar)
- Interspersed within the main content
- Fixed to the bottom of your browser window
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